Chilled Quail Effile/Eviscerated 250 Eas 法國鵪鶉(連頭,腳及內臟) Mieral
Code: XMIE0040
weight300G X10Register now to see the price
Register now to see the price
Slow-growth rustic naked-neck chicken Black plumage A lively breed that loves the great outdoor spaces
Outdoors breeding 100 days minimum Fed with 100% organic agricultural feeds Fed with organic milk and linseed during the last 15 days
Raised without the use of antibiotics No GMOs Treated with phytotherapy
Produced in France - Pays de Loire Ideal breeding ground with prevailing sea breezes
100% organic poultry farming, outdoor space with trees and bushes Long-term relationships with raw material suppliers Commitment to sustainable development
Served in the finest hotels
Code: XMIE0040
weight300G X10Register now to see the price
Code: COS0020
weight700G/EARegister now to see the price
Code: XDENV20120
weight200-450 gr per pcRegister now to see the price
Code: XDENV20110
weight±1 kg per pcRegister now to see the price