Chilled Free Range Chilled Black Leg Chicken Fillet (Leg Parity) 法國東貝紅牌黑腳雞 (去皮雞胸 X 雞腿) Mieral
Code: XMIE0067
weight200-300G X10 EARegister now to see the price
Wild Red Deer
Season: 1st Aug 2021 - 30th April 2022
Meat: Deeper, Stronger game Taste
Cut Off Thursday 12 noon for Delivery on Friday ( +8 days)
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Roe deer are one of Britain's native deer species and have become the most widespread. They became largely extinct in the 1700s and were only later reintroduced. Before 1960 they were treated as vermin owing to the damage they cause to the forestry industry. Unlike other deer, they do not live in herds, but are most often seen as solitary individuals or as a family group of a mother and her offspring. Does give birth to 1 to 3 fawns in May or June. Bambi the deer, from the children's books by Felix Salten, was a roe deer!
Code: XMIE0067
weight200-300G X10 EARegister now to see the price
Code: XLED12131
weight3KG/EARegister now to see the price
Code: OBE4090
weight5KG/EARegister now to see the price
Code: ROU311210
weight250-350 gr per pcRegister now to see the price