Pertuis Green Asparagus - cal 22+
Code: XASP016
weight4 bunch (2.5 kg perRegister now to see the price
For MONDAY arrival - order by THURSDAY 12noon
For FRIDAY arrival - order by MONDAY 12noon
NEW - For SATURDAY arrival - order by TUESDAY 12noon
Register now to see the price
Code: XASP016
weight4 bunch (2.5 kg perRegister now to see the price
Code: XASP047
weight5 kg per caseRegister now to see the price
Code: XBEL2052
weight5 kg per caseRegister now to see the price
For MONDAY arrival - order by THURSDAY 12noon
For FRIDAY arrival - order by MONDAY 12noon
NEW - For SATURDAY arrival - order by TUESDAY 12noon