Frozen Dover Sole Gutted 急凍法國龍脷魚 Cinq Degrés Ouest
Code: CIN0401
weight300-400G/EA 5EA/CASERegister now to see the price
Order Before Monday 12 noon, Arrive HK on Friday
Order Before Thursday 2 noon, Delivery Next Monday
Register now to see the price
Code: CIN0401
weight300-400G/EA 5EA/CASERegister now to see the price
Code: ISL0021
weight45-90EA/KG, 500G/EARegister now to see the price
Code: XTAR0120
weight8KG 96EA/CASERegister now to see the price
Code: XBLAN6428
weight90GR/EA 24EA/CASERegister now to see the price
Order Before Monday 12 noon, Arrive HK on Friday
Order Before Thursday 2 noon, Delivery Next Monday